How do I file an employment discrimination complaint?

On Behalf of | Feb 15, 2020 | Employment law |

Everyone deserves equal treatment in the workplace. Sadly, not every employer abides by those practices.

According to recent data, more than 1million employment discrimination complaints have been filed since 1997. While those claims span over nearly two decades, that’s still far too many.

If you or a loved one are a recent victim of employment discrimination, it’s essential to act fast. That’s because the window for filing a claim is typically only three months.

What’s the process for filing a complaint?

In most cases, you’ll want to contact the EEOC. You can submit your complaint over the phone, by mail or online. You’ll also want to give the agency information like your name, address and phone number. Afterward, the EEOC may still need to obtain:

  • Evidence of discrimination: This can include memos, documents and emails that display the discriminatory practices of the employer.
  • Witnesses: This can include any coworkers, managers or others who may have witnessed the alleged discriminatory behavior.

After handing out this information, the EEOC often determines whether your complaint is worth looking into. If that’s the case, some may go directly to the employer to start conducting an investigation. During this investigation, the agency may request further documentation from the employer and conduct interviews with those accused and witnesses

If the employer is found guilty of discriminatory practices, there are several ways you could receive compensation, which can include:

  • Back pay
  • Front pay
  • Reinstatement to your position if you got terminated

You could also receive compensation to cover court costs and legal fees.

Employees deserve to be treated with dignity and respect

Many employers comply with federal and state employment discrimination laws. However, there are still some who may not think these standards apply to them and may do it regardless. Luckily, employees who face this kind of mistreatment can benefit from having knowledgeable and robust representation.