How serious are college crimes? Do you have to worry about long-term consequences?

On Behalf of | Feb 22, 2021 | Criminal Law |

As a parent of a child who has just gotten into trouble with the law, you may have many questions about what will happen next. It’s realistic to expect that your child will have some immediate consequences if they are convicted of a crime.

What many parents fail to realize is that a conviction could have lasting consequences on their child’s schooling, financial situation and more. Once they’re 18, they’ll always be tried as an adult, and that means that they face the same penalties as anyone that age or older.

What kind of impact can a conviction have on a college-aged child?

The impact may vary depending on their age, but if a child is over the age of 18 and faces adult charges, then they could see a risk of imprisonment and heavy fines. On top of that, they may lose their license if this was related to drugs or alcohol.

On top of those normal penalties, they may see other impacts such as:

  • The loss of their job
  • The loss of a scholarship or grant
  • The loss of federal funding (usually in felony cases)
  • Expulsion from a program of choice
  • Expulsion from the school

In the short term, you may think that these issues aren’t too serious, but your child’s entire career path could be affected.

Can your child benefit from their age in court?

Younger adults are still learning, and that’s something that can work in their favor in court so long as they show that they’re willing to put the time into correcting their actions and taking responsibility. For example, if your 18-year-old child was caught drinking and driving, then going to drug or alcohol addiction treatment or seeking out further education for your child would be helpful and likely to show a judge that they’re willing to better themselves.

It’s a good idea to talk to your attorney about the specific charges that your child faces before deciding on how to move forward. Depending on the kind of case it is and the evidence that has been collected, it may be possible to get the charges dropped or altered.